Opportunity is Everywhere, But First You Have to Look


Day 6. On Saturdays I don’t bound out of bed at five o’clock like I do other mornings. My husband displays his stained glass at the downtown farmers market and needs to be set up by 7:00 a.m., so I hang around the house in case he needs something. By the time he leaves, the dogs are chomping at the bit to go for a walk; it’s our routine and it’s a great way to begin the day.

On this morning’s walk I thought of the four articles I’ve been assigned to write for the magazine; the deadline’s July 2nd, about four weeks away. I’ve already done a little research on three, so I feel good about having done something anyway. I expect that knocking out the assignment will be relatively easy, even if our vacation does fall during that time. Everything is done via email, and it occurred to me that I could probably continue to write for the magazine even if we were to leave Hopkinsville.

I heard somewhere that the universe likes speed and responds to requests immediately with serendipitous events, or what is thought of as coincidence. If that is the case, then the door of opportunity is swinging wide open. Turns out there are a lot of things that can be done to generate income while RVing full-time, which is a great relief. We would need something to do; at least, I would! The world will be our oyster!

I feel as though I will learn so much this time around. Just in case. I already know that I want to learn some things that have been solely my husband’s responsibility. Up until now I’ve been comfortable with not knowing some things…how to connect and disconnect our RV and the truck, for example. It’s time I learned.

Documenting the journey is necessary if I am to have any hope of remembering how things eventually fall out and into place. One day this week I vividly recalled taking a personal development class in college and having to list the components of “my ideal life.” My list included time to write each day. It occurred to me that lately that’s exactly what has been happening. Could I be in Utopia and not even know it?


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